Transparentné ceny
Pôvodná cena vstupeniek je jasne uvedená, pričom neexistujú žiadne skryté poplatky
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For some events, the tickets have to be personalised. This means that the name of the ticketholder should be on the ticket. There is often an identity check at the entrance. If the name on the ticket does not match the name on the ID, there is a chance that you will be denied access. At some events it is possible to have the name of the buyer om multiple tickets. This does mean that all other persons must enter the venue at the same time as the ticketholder.
To be able to execute the personalisation of the tickets, we often need additional information about you and the people who will be attending the event with you. You will be informed in the order confirmation about how you can provide us with the information. Naturally, we handle your information as strictly confidential.
Transparentné ceny
Pôvodná cena vstupeniek je jasne uvedená, pričom neexistujú žiadne skryté poplatky
Garantované "najlepšie" sedadlá
Celosvetové dostupné vstupenky na vypredané koncerty s najlepšími výhľadmi
Exkluzívna služba
Ak vstupenky nie sú dostupné, budeme sa vám ich snažiť nájsť.